John Forbes

Rebecca Ann Maria Forbes was born in July 1789 to Elizabeth Marshall (daughter of Rebecca Dent & Thomas Hanson Marshall) & John Forbes (born 19 March 1757). She will marry James Forbes Sothoron. (Forbes, R.*)


John Forbes, son of James Forbes, b. 19 Mar 1757, St. Mary's Co., MD; d. 31 Dec 1804, St. Mary's Co., MD; m. on 23 Apr 1782 in Charles Co., MD, Elizabeth Marshall, dau of Thomas Marshall & Rebecca Dent; b. bet 1757-1767, d. aft 1818 in Charles Co., MD. (Reno*)

Samuel Bond

Elizabeth Forbes

Thomas Marshall &

John Forbes & others

- Deed of four parts. Samuel Bond of Prince George's Co, 1st part; Elizabeth Forbes of Charles Co., 2nd part; Thomas Marshall of Marshall Hall & John Forbes of Charles Co., 3rd part; James Forbes, above named John Forbes, George Forbes, James Forbes Sothoron & Rebecca Ann Marie Sothoron his wife, James Forbes & Elizabeth Forbes which said James Forbes, John Forbes, George Forbes, Rebecca Ann Maria Sothoron, Jane Forbes & Elizabeth are all children of Elizabeth Forbes first named, 4th part. In consideration of pending marriage between Samuel Bond & Elizabeth Forbes, all of the sizeable estate of Elizabeth to be conveyed to Thomas Marshall & John Forbes as trustees, to pay all debts and to ensure just passage of estate to the above named children. Transfer to occur upon completion of marriage ceremony. (Land Rec Abstracts TH#26{StM#2}:84, St. Mary’s Co., 1807.06.08, Recorded 1807.09.26)

Schedule of assets & liabilities of Thomas L. Sothoron, dated 10 March 1803. Assets include 1/24 part of improved lot in Benedict Town, Charles Co; one old Stein; several pieces of houseware. Creditors include John Forbes £150; Henderson, Ferguson & Gibson £600; Gerrard Briscoe £30; Dr. Charles Smoot £15; total of approx. £2,500. (Chancery Papers 4465E, Charles Co.)

** Estate

    Horatio C. McElderry & Eliza. ux.
George Forbes    vs.   James F., Elizabeth & John H. Sothoron
    James & Elizabeth Forbes
    Thomas Marshall

Bill of Equity, to the Judges of Charles Co. sitting as Court of Equity. John Forbes Sr. died, leaving all of his property to his wife Elizabeth. She executed a marriage contract with Bond, conveying to Thomas Marshall her brother & her son John Forbes as trustees, all her holdings, upon death of Samuel Bond. Elizabeth planned to move to Pennsylvania, but returned upon illness of her daughter Rebecca. Elizabeth executed a letter changing terms of her legacy, that letter lost for some time. Elizabeth purportedly asked for letter to be found, then that it be destroyed, then to accept its terms when found. Elizabeth died of apoplexy while caring for Rebecca, who also died, leaving two children, Elizabeth & John Henry Sothoron of St. Mary’s Co.. James Forbes died before his mother. Prays for adjustment of estate.

- Copy of pre-marital indenture of 8 June 1807 between Elizabeth Forbes & Samuel Bond.

- Letter to Dr. Thomas Marshall at Marshall Hall, dated 14 August 1818, from George Forbes at Plaines of Plenty. Starts "Dear Uncle", notes Elizabeth about to leave, and wants to tell Uncle of property disposition. Plesleys Mill to go to writer's sister's children, Benedict property to Rebecca Sothoron & Eliza McElderry, Rouges Neck (Prince George's Co) to writer, Woolford Hill to brother James' children (Elizabeth & James Forbes), residue equally to children of Elizabeth. Also signed by Elizabeth Forbes, witnessed by Mary Sothoron, Henry Sothoron.

- Deposition of Mary Sothoron dated 15 May 1821, who denied seeing her mother's name on the above letter when signing as a witness, nor ever hearing any further mention of the letter.

- Deposition of Henry Sothoron dated 31 August 1820, much the same as that of Mary Sothoron.

- Court order (Charles Co) dated 20 August 1831, requiring all books & papers relating to the estate of Elizabeth Bond. Note dated 14 Oct 1831, indicating that papers & books were previously put into the hands of Solicitor Clement Dorsey Esq.

- Bond dated 30 March 1832 between George Forbes of Prince George's Co. & William Thompson of Charles Co.; and James F. Sothoron, John Henry Sothoron, Samuel P. Webster & Elizabeth his wife, for $10,000. Bond for George Forbes to faithfully account all credits and debits of the estate of Elizabeth Bond, which he may have received since 26 August 1831.

- Answer of defendants, filed 11 July 1832. Notes that Elizabeth died in 1819; and that claimant received $10,000 in outstanding debts, as well as a large tract of land in Prince George's Co valued at $30,000. Requests that a receiver or provisional trustee be named.

- Chancery Court decree, Annapolis, first Tuesday in December, 1832. Notes intermarriage of Mary Elizabeth Sothoron & Samuel P. Webster.

- Dismissed as satisfied (agreed), with costs by claimant, dated 1 Jan 1833. (Chancery Papers 7923, Charles Co., Filed 1832.07.11)

Hanson Marshall   Sarah Greenfield
Henry Marshall Lesser    vs.   James F., Elizabeth & John H. Sothoron

- St. Mary's Co. Court, 2 March 1840. Reference made to same Court of March 1839, with judgment for Richerd Fenn Lessee of Hanson Marshall & Henry Marshall vs Sarah Greenfield late of St. Mary’s Co. widow, in tract of land called Indian Creek with Addition in St. Mary’s Co., 217 acres, which Marshall's had devised to Richard Fenn on 1 January1830 for one year

- Answer of R.H. Marshall, filed 30 Nov 1841. John Forbes died in 1818 or 1819. No known waste or impropriety by John Forbes in fulfilling duties of trustee to Elizabeth's estate. Thomas Marshall was blind and unable to effectively deal with the estate. Rebecca A.M. Sothoron noted to be deceased, survived by James F. Sothoron & two children, John H. & Elizabeth Sothoron, the latter marrying Samuel P. Webster. Horatio McElderry died in about 1822, his widow marrying William Plater, who died in about 1827. Jane Forbes died in about 1814 intestate and without husband. Thomas Marshall died in 1829, leaving 2 sons (Thomas H. & Richard H.). Notes agreement of 30 April 1830 in which a certain portion of trust property in Charles Co. was conveyed to complainant & his sister. Included land conveyed by deed dated 8 April 1811 from Ann H. & George T. Wilkinson to John Forbes & Thomas Marshall: the 508 acre Tourt Freeman Place, 30 acre Prions Cleve, and 40 acres adjoining Freemans place. (Chancery Papers 7925, Charles Co., Filed 1841.06.14)

    George Forbes
        Thomas H., Henry & Richard H. Marshall
James Forbes     vs.   James T. & John H. Sothoron
    Robert Beale & Elizabeth ux.
    William Plater

Amendment filed on 24 June 1845, to include others. Claim very difficult to read, appears to claim that his interests were improperly and incompletely met in previous settlement of the estate of his mother Elizabeth Forbes Bond.

- Inventory of James Forbes late of Prince George's Co, dated 1 September 1812..

- Order of Orphans Court of Charles Co, recorded 13 Dec 1843. Appoints George Forbes as guardian to James John Forbes on 25 May l825, revoked on 30 April 1830.

- Copy of Navy Records for James J. Forbes:

— 30 Aug 1831 - Letter of appointment as Midshipman at Chester, PA.

— 27 Sept 1831 - Orders to Norfolk for duty aboard Fairfield.

— 8 Oct 1831 - Approval of one week delay in reporting to Norfolk.

— 24 May 1832 - Letter of Warrant as Midshipman, forwarded to him aboard Sloop Fairfield, West Indies.

— 27 July 1833 - Leave of absence from USS Vandalia until 1 January 1834.

— 21 Nov 1837 - Letter of approval for attending Naval School in New York, traveling at his own expense.

— 29 Sept 1838 - Orders to Navy Yard, Washington, D.C.

— 28 Jan 1839 - Orders to Norfolk for duty aboard US Sloop of War Warren.

— 12 June 1840 - Leave of absence for 3 months.

- Indenture dated 17 October 1840, recorded the same day. George Forbes, by indenture of mortgage dated 28 December 1832, recorded in Prince George's Land Record Book AB#7, folio 483, did secure payment of bonds to John H. Sothoron & Samuel P. Webster of St. Mary’s Co.. Rouger's Neck, 700 acres in Prince George's Co on Swanson's Creek at the Patuxent River, passed to John H. Sothoron & Samuel P. Webster to satisfy bond.

- Interrogatories to Henry G.S. Key, dated 1 Sept 1843, give his age as "nearly 54". (Chancery Papers 7925, Charles Co., Filed1841.06.14)


Under this Tomb is
Deposited the body of
John Forbes
who was Born on
the 19th of March1757.
He departed this Life
on the 7th of October 1804
in the 48th
Year of his age.
He was a good man.


Grave Marker*, The Plains, St. Mary's Co., MD.  (WHS*)




Commemorative Plaque attached to foot of Grave Stone:


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W. Haddox Sothoron, M.D.